Training Tips  

To ensure your puppy’s success at home.



Similar to a toddler, you will want to place the puppy on a schedule as soon as you get him/her home.  Play, Training, Eat, Potty, Nap, & Repeat.

Crate Training

Your puppy will come to you familiar with his/her crate.  I will include a snuggle puppy and a blanket to ensure your crate training is as smooth as possible.  When placing puppy in crate for nap or bedtime, place a cover or sheet over the crate so puppy knows it is bedtime.  Note – puppy will likely need a 30” – 36” crate by 12-16 weeks of age.  

Potty Training

Your puppy will not come to you fully potty trained.  It may take as long as 2 - 4 months of continued working until your puppy masters this.  To help you in this area – do not give puppy full access to entire house when he/she comes home.  Puppy will need to stay in a puppy pen or crate (or both).  Puppies do not like to eliminate in their sleeping areas.  If potty training via crate training, ensure puppy has barely enough room to stand and turn around in crate, no more.

Puppies cannot hold their bladders very long, about an hour for every month of life up to 6-8 months.  So 3 month old puppies need to go out about every 3 hours or less.  This includes night time.  As they get older, they can hold it longer, especially at night.  While a puppy, the time between queuing to go potty and going potty may be a couple seconds.  So when puppy first wakes up, pick them up and take them outside.  After eating, take them outside.  After play time, take them outside.  When puppy is outside the crate and outside the pen, you may find having puppy attached to you at the end of a short leash will help with the potty training as well.

Baxter and Bella

Baxter and Bella is a widely regarded online training resource.  There are dozens of training videos covering a wide range of topics.  Current fee structure is $238 for a lifetime membership, with a 25% discount that can be applied.

Local In Person Training

I highly recommend at least one class of local in person training for your puppy.  In Huntsville, a 7 week puppy class runs about $150.  The socialization and confidence your puppy receives in this small class is invaluable.  Our trainer also has additional classes for manners, Canine Good Citizenship, service support, playground (agility), and tricks.

 Need Guidance? No problem!

We’re here to make this an easy process for you and educate you along the way. Don’t be afraid to reach out with any questions!